Guidelines to decentralisation and access to basic services

This brochure includes two series of guidelines approved by the Governing Council of UN-Habitat in 2007 and 2009. In approving these guidelines, UN member states agree to encourage decentralisation and support local authorities, as well as access to basic services for all.

These guidelines were designed to help countries engage in political reforms and take legislative measures in two areas related to UN-Habitat’s mission. They were prepared in the framework of an intensive participative and consultative process that, over the past decade, called upon many partners, including United Nations’ institutions, national governments and local authorities.

À télécharger

Gouvernance légitime
Refonder le vivre ensemble et l’Etat
Construire la Paix et la Sécurité
Promouvoir les Territoires et le Développement
Expériences locales



