English français

How to reconcile the continent imperatives of emergence and those of biodiversity conservation needed to reach desired emergence? What territories oriented low emission policies to be built in the 2060 horizon? These are issues on which this initiative is inviting stakeholders to share views in order to produce concrete and relevant proposals that could be implemented at all territorial scales.

This initiative is aiming at collecting stakeholders experiences (State, local authorities, NGOs, private, etc) for enriching an African common position on climate change at the World Climate Conference in December 2015 in Paris.

Disasters related to climate change reveal daily the need to understand the threats and opportunities that do exist in Africa to address the phenomenon. The increase in emissions of greenhouse gases caused by human action on the continent is well attested by a number of increasingly important publications. The point is how to reduce the human pressure on nature and develop African economies with low carbon emission rate.

The major challenge the continent is facing is that of reconciling imperatives of emergence proclaimed in public policies and those of preservation of biodiversity conservation.

See the full document: Initiative ARGA sur le Climat


  • extensive literature search on mechanisms, institutional frameworks, community initiatives and responses to climate change in Africa;

  • drafting of thematic papers and reports necessary for the implementation of the initiative;

  • participation of members of ARGA to forums, symposiums, and climate knowledge sharing activities in conjunction with NGOs, CBOs and other community organizations;

  • organization of thematic workshops on climate change governance topics in order to promote dissemination and sharing of legitimate governance practices on climate;

  • cooperation with state services, universities and research communities in Africa for better disseminating of knowledge and good practices on climate;

  • capitalization of innovative community experiences related responses to damages caused by global warming;

  • designing of concrete proposals for African responses to climate change in consultation with specialists;

  • strengthening the capacity of African climate negotiators through training and the call for negotiation expertise in the African diaspora;

A project initiative

Production of the initiative:

One document

51 documents